About Shuwacchi
"Shwach" is a website that can translate sign language words using AI.
There are many ways to communicate with hearing-impaired people, including sign language,
written communication, and lip-reading, but it is necessary to choose the most appropriate
one for each person.
Recently, when the government or administration makes an announcement about the new coronavirus
on TV, a sign language interpreter interprets the contents of the press conference beside them.
This is because many people find it easier to convey information using sign language than subtitles.
However, the number of people who use sign language in Japan is said to be about 80,000,
which is about one in every 1,500 people. The number of people who can speak sign language is
still very small.
That's why we made it possible to automatically translate the words used in sign language into
voice by using them in front of the camera. Next to the translation function, there is also
a function that simultaneously translates the voice into text, so that sign language speakers
and voice speakers can communicate in a natural way.
A list of sign languages is also provided, so you can use this site to learn sign language.
And don't just stick to sign language, there is also a recording feature to help those who can't
speak communicate.
Our thoughts
We at HATSUMAKER are working with the question of what is most important in today's and
tomorrow's world of IT and AI.
We believe that what we need in the future is communication.
Some of our members are not good at public speaking. However, it is fun to think of various
projects and give them shape.
"Shwachchi" wants to make sign language, a means of communication, more accessible with AI,
and has created a "recording" function so that your friends who are not good at public speaking
can communicate using their voices.
We hope that this site will be a catalyst for solving the problems of many more people.